Can I Ever Win My Cheating Wife Back by Cheating on Her?

You are probably seeing red right about now. You've just found out that your wife has been cheating on you.

You've gone through every emotion in the book. As much as you love her, what you want right now is to get back at your cheating wife. Is cheating on her the way to go?

An Eye for an Eye, Right?

Believe me; I understand where you are coming from. The "eye for an eye" philosophy has been around for quite a long time.

So, what's the problem? Honestly, the problem is that things just keep escalating and pretty soon it's about getting the last "word" or in this case deed in on the argument and nothing productive happens to the relationship at all.

In fact, this can be the beginning of the end for most relationships and it won't be the actual betrayal of cheating that brings the relationship down on its ears.

When the response to your wife's cheating is turning around and cheating on your wife, the problem in the relationship still hasn't been addressed. No matter what the problem is, and trust me, there is a problem if she's cheating despite a seemingly happy marriage; if it isn't solved there is little hope of moving forward.

What's Wrong with Cheating on Your Cheating Wife?

Turning the tables is probably mighty tempting. But, what if there was a better way to deal with the problem of a cheating wife without damaging the love you have for one another?

Wouldn't that be better?

Most men who have recently discovered a cheating wife are not really ready to decide to end the marriage altogether. There is too much invested in the relationship to just walk away without trying to make things work.

Escalating things by turning around and cheating on your wife might feel good in the short term. You may even feel as though you are evening the score to some degree.

What really happens though is that the entire relationship is undermined. The trust. The love. The mutual care and respect. It's one thing for one party to cheat. To turn around and cheat for revenge makes it about getting even.

I'm sure that's not what you want the legacy of your relationship to be. The problem is that you probably don't know what you want at the moment. What you need is to take a little time to step back, assess the situation, and figure out where you want to go from here.

Now Listen Carefully! -

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