Is Cheating Always the Third Strike?

There are too many things in life that have a three strikes policy. You get three strikes in some states before you are handed a life-long prison term. In baseball, you get three strikes and you're outta there.

Isn't it great that relationships don't have a three strikes policy? You are not limited to three romantic relationships in your life. You aren't only offered three chances to mess up in a relationship (some of us would be out on our ears in a single hour much less being able to stick around for the long haul if that was the policy).

It doesn't matter what has come before in most relationships. It always seems like cheating is the third strike. You know, the one that puts the relationship down for the count. But, does it have to be that way in your relationship?

Write a New Playbook

The wonderful thing about relationships is that your relationship is unique to you and the other person in the relationship. You don't have to play by the same rules that work for others. You can write your own - together.

It might seem a little less than orthodox but it can make for an interesting and surprisingly healthy relationship. If you feel that cheating is one of those things you simply cannot handle or tolerate then by all means leave once you find out about a cheating partner.

But, if you believe that you can work through it, as difficult as it may be, there is no reason you can't stay and make things really work between the two of you. This means that two of you really are in control of your relationship and can write your own happy ending if you choose to.

Why Cheating?

This is an important question. Why is it that cheating is somehow the big taboo? Even most people who have been through cheating say it isn't the act itself that was so reprehensible but the other things that went along with it. The sneaking around, telling lies, and complete withdrawal from the relationship.

The actual act is just the final straw in a long line of camels for most relationships.

But, when you really get down to it, the cheating isn't the ultimate problem. It's the baggage that goes along with the cheating that brings the relationship down like a stack of cards. Find a way to overcome the surplus and you can save your relationship much easier - even after cheating.

Now Listen Carefully! -

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