Ten Signs That She's Not Into You

I'm sure we've all heard of the book or seen the movie;He's Just Not That Into You. Well ladies, I know from experience we all have a few stories of our own to tell from the opposite perspective. This is all in good humor, but I must admit there is certainly an element of truth to it all. There's always an exception to the rule of the emotionally healthy, sweet, nice guys to remain friends with, as I have a few ex-boyfriends from past long term relationships that I still deeply respect and admire to this day. However if a guy has acted disrespectful to a woman she’s usually more interested in moving on and clearing the air for a new and healthier relationship. We've all heard about these guys, you date him for only a few short months, but long enough to realize that your life was much more pleasant and drama freebeforehe entered into the picture. So eventually you break it off reminding yourself you’ve been treated far better in the past and there's a world of really great guys out there who will treat you far better in the future. Unfortunately he's the one who just won't seem to completely go away. In fact he’s usually the guy who keeps in contact withallhis ex-girlfriends, except the smart ones who have no desire for the disfunctional attention. He's the guy who comes up with various reasons to reach you, through text, email, and I've seen one go as far as leaving disparaging comments on the ex-girlfriend's blog. Hmm ...would that be blog-stalking? And guys, if you were dating a nice woman, she probably didn't tell you the full extent of what she really thought of you, and you probably don't ever really want to know. Just trust that she broke it off with you because she wasn't in to you anymore. So here are ten clear indicators that your ex-girlfriend is no longer into you and it's time to move on. Trust me on this one guys, it's for your own good!

10. She broke up with you.This is a clear message that she's just not interested.  Additionally she's made no attempts to contact you after she broke it off.  That should be a really big clue.

9. She has no interest in being friends or getting together for lunch. Get over it guys, she just doesn't like you anymore. That's why she broke up with you in the first place, so asking her to lunch as friends is probably not a good idea. Neither is making up random reasons to communicate with her.

8. She avoids any place that she thinks you might hang out.Do you think it's merely a coincidence that you never see her anywhere? This is clearly an indicator that she does not even want to run into you. If she's avoiding even hanging out in the same town, this girl is done.

7. She doesn't text, email or respond to your creative ways of contacting her.Guys, this is one that you really need to stop because the more you continue to do it, the worse you appear in her eyes. One thing you shouldneverdo is send her negative messages thinking you'll gain her attention by insulting her.  It will surely backfire on you because she'll just think you're creepy. Trust me, she's caught onto your game, so just stop bothering her because it will only make you look like a jerk.

6. The majority of her friends had no idea that she dated you and they didn't even know you broke up. Um, need I say more on this one?

5. She's interviewing for jobs in another state.This is a girl who's moved on and has absolutely no desire to be around you in any capacity.

4. She enjoyed spending time with her friends ...more than you.Especially if you had an over inflated ego around her and didn't treat her right. She probably put on a smile for awhile, but she broke it off with you for a really good reason, because she clearly was not having a good time.

3. She doesn't care what you are doing or what's going on in your life.This is a girl who has clearly written you off. She's not interested in what you're up to or where you hang out.  As the famous Clark Gable once put it, ...frankly she just doesn't give a damn.

2. She said you lacked real integrity and respect.If she didn't think you were a respectful or honest and upstanding guy,  it was never going to happen.  A woman has to respect and admire the integrity of a man in order to really fall in love with him. So guys, if you don't at least have those qualities in check, you'll never win her heart. She's going to figure that out quicker than you can say, "I shouldn't have been such an ignorant jerk."

1. She's moved on.Especially if she's got another guy in her life. At this point if you are still trying to win her heart, give it up, because by now it's far better to start looking for new love, and maybe even a good time to schedule a therapist.