Don't Give Up - Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Using These Very Effective Techniques To Bring Him Back

When you think you have tried everything to get your ex boyfriend back and nothing seems to be working, maybe it is time to try something different. I know that by this time you are pretty despondent but do not give up. If you truly love the guy and feel that he is the only one for you, then you must keep trying. You never know how close you might be to getting your ex back. It would be a shame if you gave up just short of the goal. Many a woman has been successful using these very effective techniques to bring him back.

When it comes to winning your ex back nothing works better than patience. You have to take it a day at a time and wait him out. There is no way to know what is going through his mind, but you have to give him time to use his mind and think of what he has given up by breaking up with you. If he cares for you at all he is thinking of you, just as you are thinking of him.

When he broke up with you, he expected you to be crying and run after him. He expected you to beg him for another chance . As hard as it may be not to do this, you cannot let him see you as weak, needy or desperate. You have to play the 'I don't care' game with him. Make him think that you are alright with the breakup and you have taken it in stride and moved on with your life without him.

Go out with friends and be seen having a good time. Word is bound to get back to your ex, and when it does he will wonder if it was him that was really the one that was rejected. This will be a big blow to his ego and he will have the urge to talk to you about it. But you will not be available. You will not answer his phone calls, emails or text messages. You want to put him in exactly the same spot he put you in when he broke up with you. If you do this, he will begin to wonder if he was so smart when he caused the breakup. When he hears what a good time you seem to be having , he will wonder if he has lost you for good.

When he feels you slipping away from him, he will panic just as you did when you thought he was slipping away from you. He will have the same urges you did to come running and begging for another chance. All this can happen if you do not give up and make the right moves. But you will need to be sure of what you are doing and not make mistakes that could end the relationship forever.