How To Survive A Break Up - A Few Good Tips

When your trying to deal with a break up you are going through a stage of confusion and why me feelings. You are trying to figure out what went wrong and how could you have stopped it These are all natural feeling that people go through after a break up so you are not alone with this.

About 90 percent of adults will experience a relationship break up of some sort, and no matter how many times it happens to you it does not get easier. You can develop a thick skin and shrug it off on the outside but inside you still hurt. It hurts to hear someone you care about tell you they are not interested in you anymore.

How do you take your mind off of this? Get out and enjoy yourself with your family and friends. Do not go it alone, spend time with someone so you can have someone to talk to and laugh with. Having your friends and family around will help you heal faster because you can talk to them about how you feel and get it off your chest.

They will want to give you advice but be careful with this, they are well meaning but if they are telling you experiences from their own break ups, this may not be the best advice. You will hear such things as "You will get over it" and "They were no good for you, your better off without them."

The faster you can get past your break up the better, do not linger in the painful memories. If you have trouble dealing with it going to a counselor may help, nothing to be ashamed of with that, it may help you move on faster.