How Do I Get My Ex Girlfriend Talking to Me Again - 3 Quick Tips That Should Help

The sting of it all hurts like you could not believe it would. Your ex girlfriend does not seem to even want to talk to you, and all you can do is think about her, and wish that you could just get in there somehow and change her mind. Is this the point where you just say that it must be hopeless and that you should march on, not even giving her a second thought?

Well, maybe. But, maybe not.

It all depends upon the situation. There are lots of examples of couples that have gotten back together, even after one of them refused to speak to the other one. And let's be real here. It's usually the woman that refuses to speak to her ex boyfriend. However, provided that you were not a complete jerk to her, then there are some things that you can do to get her talking to you again.

Here are 3 quick tips that should help get your ex girlfriend talking to you again:

1. Don't ask for too much, too soon.

This is a pretty common occurrence. She's not talking to you and then you finally get her to agree to hear you out for a couple of minutes and then you go on and on about how much you miss her, love her, and want her. Look, timing is EVERYTHING when it comes to these situations, and at that moment, the time is wrong to try and say all of these things. You need to get some fun and even flirty conversation going on, not some deep discussion about feelings that is going to just seem like a drag to her.

2. Ask questions that show you want to hear what she has to say, without sounding like you are prying.

No one wants to have someone else prying into their life, especially not an ex. But, when you ask her questions that are just general things to see how things are going and what she has been up to, she is going to be inclined to want to talk to you. After all, people DO like to talk about themselves, and if she sees that you and her can talk without it always leading up to you asking her to get back together, then the incentive is there for her to KEEP talking to you.

3. Control any jealous emotions.

Jealousy is probably the number one thing that leads to couples not speaking to each other at all after a breakup. Look, if you have broken up with her, then there is no reason to get all jealous if she is hanging out with other guys or even dating a new guy. You could do the same and start dating new women, and to get jealous about this, it's only going to work against you. Be your own friend, not your own enemy and don't let yourself get jealous around your ex girlfriend.