Telltale Signs Your Boyfriend Wants You Back After a Break Up

It's so easy to have false hopes after a break up if you are still in love with your ex. For many women they carefully examine every move their ex makes hoping to find a clue in his behavior that suggests that he's still feeling something too. There are some telltale signs your boyfriend wants you back . If you recognize these you know that he's still as hopeful for a future with you as you are with him.

One of the most obvious signs your boyfriend wants you back after a break up is he can't seem to let you go. This can be subtle but if he's still calling you or suggesting you two hang out, there are some lingering feelings. It may be something as innocent as meeting for a cup of coffee every few weeks or perhaps he still texts or emails you regularly just to see how you are. If this is going on, he's having trouble letting you go.

Another of the signs your boyfriend wants you back is he will be curious about if or who you are dating. When a man has moved on after the end of a relationship he won't want to know what's going on in the romantic life of his ex. In most cases he'll be happy that she's found someone new to spend her time with. If your ex boyfriend seems extra curious about your dating situation you can take that as an indication that he's still in love with you.

If your ex boyfriend wants to talk about what went wrong between you two, that's a sign that he wants to fix what went wrong. Typically when a relationship ends, and the man is ready to move forward he won't put in the effort to ensure his ex understands his actions that contributed to the break up. If your boyfriend apologizes for what went wrong and talks about how he has changed, he's still feeling emotionally connected to you.