2 Silly Breakup Mistakes That Won't Win Your Ex Back

It can be difficult to know what to do when you are trying to win your ex back. You may not realize that there are certain things you shouldn’t do or mistakes you shouldn't make. Those mistakes can sabotage any efforts you have made to win them back. Why would you sabotage yourself? Your emotions, if you let them run you, these breakup mistakes can kill your chances. What kinds of mistakes can you make when you want to reunite with the person that hurt you most? They are drunk dialing and text message terrorism.

These 2 mistakes are so common that many people don’t realize they’ve been doing it until it suddenly dawns on them. You’ll be slapping yourself in the face and think why were you doing that. However, as soon as you notice them and cut them off, you can take the correct actions to fix the “relationship”.

However, how exactly are these two breakup mistakes and what are they to be exact?

(1)  Drunk Dialing –What is drunk dialing? Well, if you like to drink when you are depressed, you’re liable to make this mistake many times over until you catch yourself doing it or someone tells you about it. It’s when you drink beyond your normal consumption of alcohol or have taken some narcotic drug and think about the good times you had with your significant other… now ex. You contemplate everything you need to do to win your ex back and believe that calling them up in the middle of the night is a good thing.

What does this phone call entail? How about you are slurring your words on the phone with them or their answering machine/voicemail, pouring your heart out and wondering what they can do to win you back? Believe or not, this is not sexy and not a good way to win them back. You don’t sound romantic, you sound needy and desperate. This is very embarrassing to do and realize you have done. This is one thing you just do not do it.

(2)  Text Message Terrorism –What is text message terrorism? This isn’t done when you are drunk or high. This is done when you are completely sober. However, it’s just as damaging to your cause. Instead of calling someone with one long desperate message, you’re calling, emailing, texting him or her several times a day. Any means of communication you will use to try and get a hold of them. While your intentions are good, again, this is not the way to go about getting your ex’s attention. All you come across is desperate, needy and a psycho.

It’s important to remember that a breakup can make you make mistakes and not think like yourself but clinging to your ex in this way does not win them back but only pushes them further away. If you want to win your ex back, do so by not speaking with them for about a month. No communications between you both for a period of one month does better than constant communications. It’s during this time you both can heal and you can come up with a plan to win them back.