Get Your Ex Back - Can Making Them Jealous Work?

A break up can be, and usually is, a very emotional, confusing time for anyone. Particularly if you have asked yourself how to get your ex back. A lot of people will give you the same advice, make them jealous. Can making them jealous work?

It can, but in the long run it almost always backfires. It may work to start, and your ex may see you with some one new and think "Wow, what am I giving up?"

The chances of that actually working out the way you want it to are slim. More times than not, it will backfire and here are the top 3 reasons it will.

1. At first, your ex may just see it as a pride thing. They may see the new love interest as competition and want to see how they compare. If this is the case, and you end up back together, how will you know if it's you they want or just to feel superior to some one else? Not the best way to rebuild a relationship.

2. You're showing them you are no longer available. Your ex could see this and take the exact opposite direction you want. You've moved on, so it's time they do too. You could be pushing them away with out even knowing it and getting your ex back becomes a lot harder.

3. Lastly, they'll see you are trying to make them jealous. If they can tell, then chances are if you're seeing some one new they are going to see they are a rebound. It's immature and that's never attractive. In this case, you not only look bad to your ex, you've also made yourself look bad to some one new and nobody wants to be a rebound.

Jealousy isn't a feeling you'd want to experience, so why make some one you care about feel that way? You want positive feelings and emotions, not negative. Using manipulation and jealousy can work, but as I said it will only be a circle and you'll end up with another break up on your hands.

This is advice a lot of 'experts' will tell you about if you're wondering how to get back with your ex. Don't fall for it, it won't get you anywhere you want to be. If you want the right answers and real guidance to get your ex back there is hope and help out there. Go to and take a look at the best advice around to get back with your ex , you won't be sorry you did.