You Want Your Ex Back? Time to Get Real

Suffering through a breakup is a painful, mind-numbing, ego-bursting experience that I would never wish upon anyone, however, since nearly everyone goes through a breakup at some point in their life, let's just cut to the chase. You want your ex back? Well then, it's time to get real and make some bold moves that will put you back on top.

Getting real means understanding that, no matter how bad you may be hurting right now, the world doesn't just stop while you take the time to grieve. It goes on and so should your life. If you truly want your ex back, you don't want to present to the world a desperate, bruised, pitiful version of yourself. How attractive is that?

It's time to make some bold moves that will revitalize your true self and allow the irresistible person the world, and your ex once knew to re-emerge. Will this help you get your ex back? I can tell you this: If you don't make these moves, your ex, along with everyone else, may just try to avoid you.

You want your ex back? Get these moves on:

Get past the breakup.The hardest part about moving forward is not looking back. It's time to make this all about you, so minimize or eliminate any thoughts or thought-provoking things about your ex. You don't need to toss them out - just box them up and put them in storage.

Get Positive.Face it, the world isn't ending today. It's just evolving. Learn to embrace change again - it's always good. Focus on what you have and be grateful every day. You don't have to let negative people and things into your life. It's your choice - choose positive.

Get forgiveness. No, not from your ex, or anyone - get it from yourself. It's time to let go of anything and everything for which you have been blaming yourself. Then you can work on forgiving others which is also very liberating and positive.

Get buffed. Often times in a relationship we let ourselves go, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. Get back to the gym and get to the bookstore. Exercise the mind and body in a way that you've forgotten. Set aside some time for prayer or meditation.

Get off your butt.It's time to step out and re-engage with the world. Check in with long lost friends. Join some meet ups and get involved with some group activities. Start a project or volunteer for something. Do what you've been missing and bring some friends.

This may be one of the hardest times in your life, but it is a very critical time for you to emerge from it as the quality, attractive and confident person you once were. It is important that you do this to give your ex the opportunity to see who you really are. Otherwise, your ex and the world will probably just pass you by.

Important! You can't stop there. You want your ex back? Then you need to get real about what it will take. My strong advice is to not go this alone. You need a steady hand to guide you through the intricate steps that will get your ex back. I found just the help I needed through and you will too. Go there now. You won't regret it. And, Good Luck!