Save Your Relationship Now! 6 Ways You May Be Killing Your Relationship

In relationships, it's the slow, quiet death that is the most excruciating. Relationships rarely recover from a long and painful demise and the breakups are usually final. If you're relationship is on life support, and you're hoping for a full recovery, you need to take action to save your relationship. You may be killing your relationship without knowing it.

Take a hard, objective look at these relationship killers and, if you see yourself in any of them, you need to course immediately.

You're keeping score. If you're treating your relationship as if it was a "zero-sum game" then you'll lose every time. Are you a "tit-for-tat" person? Do you try on one-up you partner when you argue? When you're called out on something, do you point out something you're partner did to try to "offset" the offense? A yes answer to any of these means you are playing to win and that's a relationship killer.

You're insecure. Be honest. Do you think about your partner cheating on you? Do you check up on your partner to verify? Do you think about your partner ever leaving you? If yes to any, you've lost trust and that is a nail in the coffin.

You hold it in.Not the big things, but all the little things. It's the little things that get to us and, when left inside, they fester and infect the relationship. By avoiding conflict for short term peace, a cancer continues to grow on the relationship.

You don't hear your partner. You may be listening but are your truly hearing what your partner says? Do you understand the underlying meaning of the words? Do you talk over your partner when he's trying to explain something? Do you ever let your partner just go on without interruption? Do you have a remark or judgment for everything that comes out of your partner's mouth? If so, you may be killing any chance that your partner will open up to you.

You're clingy. Clingy people usually suffer from insecurity, lack of self esteem, lack of confidence, or even lack of trust. If you're constantly attached to your partner, he or she may resent the lack of space or independence that everyone needs and it could drive the relationship off the cliff.

You have unrealistic expectations. If you're relying solely upon your relationship for your happiness, you will probably be disappointed. If you expect your partner to love you the way you them, you'll be frustrated. If you expect your partner to change to meet your expectations, you'll be poisoning the relationship.

Any one of these has the potency to kill a relationship - over time. It takes more than love to save your relationship. It takes work to ensure that relationship stays healthy and growing. Take stock now before it's too late. And, should you need to change course on any of these, be sure to let your partner in on it so they know how important they are to you.

You can't stop there. If you want to save your relationship , you don't want to leave anything to chance. Why go it alone when you can get the help of a steady hand to guide you through this. The expert sources I found through were invaluable to me. Go there now. You won't regret it. And, Good Luck!