Things to Say to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back - Help For Men to Win Her Back

Most men realize that when it comes to getting back their girlfriend after a split, they need to make the right moves. Many men simply follow their hearts and let their emotions bubble to the surface. What typically happens in a case like this is that the man exposes his deepest heartfelt feelings and they come across as either crying or pleading. Although you may believe that your ex will be touched by this sincere, heartfelt display, she won't be. In fact, she may label you as desperate and block out any consideration of getting back together with you. There are several things you can do that will actually make her want to get back together with you just as much as you want to get back with her.

One of the first things to say to get your ex girlfriend back is sorry. You need to apologize to her whether she's the one who broke up with you or not. If you feel that you've done absolutely nothing wrong you need to take some time to think about what you've done that could have changed her feelings for you. Even small things can dramatically change the dynamic of a relationship. Call her up and apologize. Keep it simple and short. She'll appreciate it and it will go a long way to getting the two of you back together.

Another of the things to say to get your ex girlfriend back is that you accept her decision to end things. This may seem ludicrous considering the fact that your goal is to get her back, but it can actually benefit you. If she knows you still love her, she's going to expect you to react negatively to the split. She's likely anticipating that. However, if you do something that she's not expecting, you'll catch her off guard. Just telling her that you were considering ending things also will completely change things between you two. Suddenly she becomes the rejected one and that will encourage a natural instinct in her to get you back.