My Boyfriend Wants Space - How Can We Become Closer?

Almost everyone has experienced a powerful relationship in their life, when suddenly everything which seems so perfectly is broken off because your boyfriend wants space. There are a number of different reasons for why a boyfriend may suddenly need space, including family problems, insecurities, or a fear of commitment just to name a few. Here are some tips for answering the age old "how to get my ex back" question if your ex boyfriend needs more space.

- Playing a little bit hard to get may be something which you can consider. This will allow him to realise what he had available and what he will lose if he moves on with his life without you. It will signal to him that it will be more something of a personal loss for him that it will be for you.

- If you feel that he still has some kind of feeling for you then talk with him. Instead talk about the good memories that you have enjoyed together and let him know that you are still open to more such memories.

- Eventually he will begin to show significant interest in you again if all goes well, and this will give you the chance to truly begin to reminisce with him. Keep in mind that you should focus primarily on all of the good memories associated with your relationship in the past.

- There can also be the case that he is downright not iinterested in you. In such a case, you can either decide that you should continue pursueing this relationship or just move on in your life. Giving him some time off will also work wonders and he will usually come back more inclined to be with you than before. If you sense that something is working, then continue doing it and increase the fequrency that you do it.

- In the end it all depends on the signals that he might be giving you. If however, there is any signs of interests, just initaiste slow contact with himm. It might just make the difference in his and your life.

I would like to continue telling you the exact process that you need to do if you would like to win your ex back. I can however, point you in the right direction.

Whenver I was in your situation I always looked to one person for advice, and believe, he never disappioned. T Dub wrote a book called "The Magic Of Making Up". This guide will tell you all you need to know about how to get your ex back

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