Help! My girlfriend of many years has decided to break up with me. Do I still have a chance to win her back? If yes, what are my chances of success? Are there any tips that can help?

Well, there is no promise that you will definitely be able to win your girlfriend back as everyone's situation is unique. However, there are always things when done, will bring your girlfriend closer to you. On the other hand, there are things that you should avoid doing or you may end up pushing her further away.

So, what can I do to avoid those mistakes?

Well, a lot of men and women tend to make certain common mistakes when trying to get their ex back. We won't be able to go through all of them in this article. But do not worry. What is more important is that you understand this principle. In fact, most of those mistakes are considered mistakes because they violate this principle.

The principle is, "People want what they do not have." You can also look at this principle from another angle. "People take things they can easily have for granted."

So, how can I make use of this principle in getting my girlfriend back?

Well, it is simple. First and foremost, don't do things that make you seem desperate. For example, you don't want to cling on to her. You don't want to appear needy. You don't want to keep on calling her over and over again. Desperation will only tend to drive your girlfriend further away.

Desperation indirectly tells your girlfriend that she can easily get you and she will simply take you for granted, definitely a violation of the principle above.