When it comes to your ex girlfriend there’s all kinds of advice floating around about how to get a second chance with her. Some people will tell you to send her flowers or a special gift. Others will claim that you need to write her a long apology letter. There’s also some advice that seems a bit ludicrous, yet many people swear it works. They’ll tell you that you need to ignore her to get her back . As crazy as that sounds, it actually has some merit to it.

You may think that if you try and ignore her to get her back that she’s simply going to forget about you and move on. That’s a valid concern, but surprisingly the chances of that happening are very slim. Right after a break up both you and your girlfriend are experiencing a rush of emotions. She likely has asked you for some time and distance and even though you may have said you’d give her that, it’s a lot easier said than done. She’s expecting you to call her crying and she knows you’ll more than likely send her flowers or gifts. Since she’s anticipating those things, she’ll be ready for them and her emotions will be on guard. You have to do what she doesn’t expect and instead drop out of sight. Stop all contact for a few weeks.

The reason this works so well is that your girlfriend becomes the rejected one. Rejection is a powerful emotion and it’s what pushes us to want to mend a broken relationship. You feel rejected and it makes you want her back. If she feels that same rejection, she’ll want you back too. If you ignore her to get her back she’ll very quickly begin to wonder why you don’t want her anymore. Her mind will jump to the happier times you two shared and she’ll start to feel a very real void in her life that only you can fill. If you have the determination and willpower to not contact her for a few weeks, you’re going to hear from her. It’s a surefire way of getting her to want you back.