Active Lifestyle Reduce Chance on Breast Cancer

Sometimes the immediate benefits of exercise - extra energy or a sense of accomplishment - are better motivation to exercise than long-term gains such as protection against chronic diseases. But, whatever the incentive, being physically active throughout one's life is good for health. Canadian researchers recently added further support to a long-term benefit of exercise for women with some new findings that a lifetime of physical activity may minimize the risk of developing breast cancer.

An active lifestyle reduces possibly the chance on hereditary udder cancer. That is the provisional conclusion of the test book of Anouk Pijpe, research worker at Dutch cancer institute.
Women who are charged with the hereditary genetic deviation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 the gene have 6 up to 8 a time larger chance on getting udder cancer then women without this hereditary construction. A slightly brought back by moving sufficiently and healthy body weight seems be able this become risk.

That a healthy lifestyle reduces the risk on udder cancer for the general population it had been already rather shown. The research of Anouk Pijpe shows that this applies also to women with hereditary udder cancer (BRCA 1 and 2).

Anouk Pijpe give a step in the good direction to its research - of the first in its type - to that are, but that we there still long are not: `It is still too early for specific recommendations. For that follow-up studies are necessary. Up to that time the most important message to BRCA1/2 mutation-carry-delicate is that the recommendations apply such as those in general applying, certainly also for them.

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