Can Me And My Boyfriend Get Back Together - The Truth About Getting Back Together With Him

Thinking can me and my boyfriend get back together without doing anything about it is not such a great idea. By spending too much time thinking about something that may be well and truly means wasted time on your part.

Do you know if he wants to get abck together? If not, why not find out. Before you do, you need to understand a very important thing and that is you need to be confident and stop coming across as needy.

In this article, we'll highlight some of the things you will need to do to test the waters. Remember, all you can do is test and if you don't get much response then it may be time to move on. The following tips will definitely help you find out whether he still has strong feelings for you.

Getting Back Together With My Boyfriend

- If the break up didn't go too well then the first thing you need to do is show him that you have learned from previous mistakes. List what dodn't work first time around and work on improving them. For example, if you spent too much time shopping then plan to cut down.

- Let him know in engaging conversation of all the good things in your relationship. Think about who you were when you met and what attracted him to you. Figure out what changed. If you were full of personality when you met and then tempered this during your relationship this may have been a turn off for him affecting his interest in you.

- Be available for him as a friend initially. You need to put any feelings of hurt aside. While he’s just a friend now, by being there to support him, maybe you can turn the relationship back into something more.

- Look at his friends and how they thought about you. If it was negative then you need to start turning this around. This could easily have affected his feeling for you. Friends can be influential. It may be time to win his friends over.

- Get back to the places you used to frequent with him or the the activities you used to do together. You are likely to bump into him again and this will impress him because you will be showing an interest in what he likes doing. For example, if he always encouraged you to take up a particular interest and you resisted it may be time to re-visit that now.

- Make sure you keep your appearance up to the mark. In other words, always look your best because chances are strong you will be running into him. Remember, guys are visual beasts so appearance is of utmost importance.

- Stay and remain upbeat. Being positive will impress him but more importantly, his friends. Needy and complaining behavior is not attractive and a big turn off. This will go a long way to answering your question of "can me and my boyfriend get back together."