Your boyfriend broke up with you and now he will not talk to you . This is frustrating because you feel that if you could just communicate it would be easy to solve your problems. So you resort to calling, emailing and sending text messages constantly. This just makes him pull farther away and increases your frustration. So what are you to do? Make him talk to you and bring him back fast by doing this:
Stop trying to contact him and ignore him. He wanted a break, so give him a break. Leave him alone and let him sort things out. Neither one of you are in any emotional state to be able to talk at this time without making matters worse. You both need a break. You would be best to put forth your effort to find out what caused the breakup and why he will not talk to you. Think back a few weeks and see if some action or words of yours could have hurt him enough to want the breakup. What ever it was he feels that he is right in not talking to you. So see if you can think of the cause for his actions and leave him alone.
You can take hope in the fact that most men get over their hurt feeling in a hurry. When your ex begins to think clearly, he will have second thoughts about the breakup. Give him the space and time and he will communicate with you. To speed things up you can make him talk to you and bring him back fast by doing this. Go to a good salon and get a makeover. New hair style, manicure, pedicure and tan. Get the works. Next go shopping and buy some new clothes to compliment your new look.
Get some of your girlfriends together and go out hunting the man that will not communicate with you. Visit the spots where he hangs out and make sure he gets a good look at the woman he will not talk to. When he sees you looking so desirable he won't be able to talk if he wanted to. He will be stunned. Keep some distance between the two of you and do not let him engage you in conversation. Do not stay long. Just let him get a good look and leave.
When he won't communicate, seeking what he almost threw away will make him contact you quick. For the next few days he will call, send emails and text messages. Don't answer them. It will be hard to do, but remember this is the man that would not talk to you. He wont give up and since you will not take his calls, you will soon find him at your door. When this happens you can work things out face to face, which is always the best way to communicate.