How to Tell That Your EX Want To Get Back With You

How to Tell That Your EX Want To Get Back With You

When there is a break up in relationship between lovers. There is a natural tendency for both to be missing one another. So you should bear this in mind, that your ex is missing you also no matter what, this is due to the fact that you both shared some good memories together during this period.

The Signs to tell that your ex want you back, are these;

  1. Is your ex seems to be more interested in going out with you than before
  2. Is your ex trying to flirt with you
  3. Is your ex hanging around you than before
  4. Is your ex more interested in spending time with you than before
  5. Is your ex calling you more frequently now than before
  6. Is your ex sending you text messages often than before
  7. Is your ex friends or relatives, more interested now, in you getting back with your ex

If you observe one or two of the signs mentioned above, then you have to be hopeful that your ex wants to get back with you but you need not to jump the gun, don’t just grab the opportunity.

The best way to react with these signs is to play hard to get but don’t over do it, when you play hard to get, your ex will probably respond to you. But when you simply grab the opportunity due to these positive signs that your ex want you back, then you will be surprise to find your rejecting you.

Another reason why you should not rush into getting back with your ex is that, despite all the positive signs shown by your ex, it might just be that your ex is just playing games with you either by playing with your emotions or trying to get back at you. And worse still it might just be that your ex has no other alternative (prospect), so he/she is trying to come back to you.

So, the best way to really tell that your ex wants you back is to play hard to get but you should not over  do it. These strategies will make you not to fall too cheap for your ex and also prevents you from hurting yourself emotionally. It will also enable you to figure out if truely your ex is serious about getting back with you or just playing game with you