You Know He Is The Love Of Your Life But He Broke Up With You - How To Win Your Ex Boyfriend Back

When you were a little girl you may have dreamed of finding your perfect man. When you met and fell in love with your ex boyfriend, you thought you had found him. But, something went wrong and you have lost the love of your life . Now that he is gone, you want to know how to win him back.

To understand what happened you will have to look at what he said at the time of the breakup and search your soul for anything you might have said or done to make him upset. Since most men are not to good at communicating, he might not have said anything except he needed space or a break. If that was the case, you will have to figure out what went wrong by yourself.

When you are searching for the reason he broke up with you, it is necessary that you be completely honest with yourself. Some of our faults are hard to face, but if you want your ex back you will need to own up to any short comings. Whatever you find, you will have to fix, but do not shoulder all of the blame for the split. Your ex boyfriend played a big part in it too. The problem is, he broke up with you and you want him back . In spite of who was the most at fault, it will be up to you to apologize.

By being the one to apologize, you will be showing that you have the strength and maturity to face up to your faults and admit them. Saying you are sorry for something you said or did will usually make the other person react in a positive manner. You might be surprised when your ex apologizes to you in return. This could lead you to think that he is ready to kiss and make up, but he may not be ready yet. Men are slower to get over things and it might take a while longer for him to sort things out.

The key to winning your ex boyfriend back will be patience. After you have apologized do not contact him again. Instead move on with your life and occupy yourself with your family and friends. Go out and have a good time. Your ex will hear of your activities and remember the good times he had with you. This will lead to him realizing that he misses you and he will be contacting you .