Is There A Change for Me and My Boyfriend Get Back Together

After a bitter break up, we always wonder "Can me and my boyfriend get back together?" Well, this article will be about what you can do to increase your chances that you and your boyfriend can get back together again.

Firstly, you MUST put your hurt feelings aside for the time being and look at how you can support your ex boyfriend. He's just a friend now, so by being there to support him, maybe you can turn the relationship back into something more. You will be able get closer to him as well. Silence and distance after your break up will decrease your chances of getting back together again.

As friends, you will hang out all the time (if all goes as planned). During your hang out sessions, you should reminisce about the good times you shared when you were a couple. Imprinting those positive memories in his mind will make him miss you more.

Think about his favourite hobbies and haunts. If you bump into him more often, he would likely find that an interesting 'surprise'. Obviously there's a fine line behindstalkingyour ex boyfriend andbumping into him. Be careful when you try this as he might be freaked out by your sudden interests in his personal territory.

Always be pleasant, upbeat and always always always look your best. You never know when you might run into him. Guys are so much more visual that girls are. So, your appearance matters. Remember to keep your wardrobe updated and have your hair done up, just the way he likes it. Remember that guys like being with girls who are positive and upbeat.

Once you've got close to your ex boyfriend again, you'll need to remind him of all of the good things you once shared in your relationship. Who were you when you first got together? Has anything changed? It's important to remember who you were when he first fell in love with you.

Finally, you need to demonstrate that you have learned from past mistakes. You should look at what didn't work in your relationship and see if you can improve on it. Do you have insecurities or have a bad temper? Did he complain that you spent too much time with your girl friends? Planning and improving yourself while you are on your time out from the relationship will be helpful.