Signs Your Boyfriend Wants to Break Up With You

Are there signs your boyfriend wants to break up with you? Indeed there are. Many women either aren't aware of or simply don't pay attention to the warning signs that their dating relationship is headed for a split. If you are starting to suspect that your man isn't quite as happy with you as he once was there are things you can watch for, in his behavior, that suggest that he's pulling away from you emotionally.

Think about how he used to look at you and how he looks at you now. One of the signs your boyfriend wants to break up may be in his eyes. A man in love can't keep his eyes off the woman he desires. You would have noticed this early in your relationship with your boyfriend. If he now tends to look away when you talk to him or he rarely gazes longingly into your eyes, that's a sign that he's feeling some distance from you.

If you two used to spend a lot of time together and now he regularly breaks plans, that's one of the signs your boyfriend wants to break up . When a man is in love with a woman he'd do just about anything to spend time with her. If your boyfriend isn't feeling as close to you as he once did, he'll try and find reasons not to be with you. He may turn to the ages old excuse of work or being tired. He may also wait until the last minute to cancel so you don't have time to make him feel too guilty about his backing out. Just take notice if he seems less interested in being with you.