After The Breakup - When You Should Call Your Ex Boyfriend

When you are involved in a breakup and you still love your ex boyfriend, you have a powerful urge to tell him that you still love him. Most women feel that after a few days have passed since the breakup, they can talk calmly to their ex and convince him that he should give the relationship another chance. So you steel yourself, take a deep breath and dial his number. The phone rings and the minute you hear his voice the water works start and you begin pleading with him for another chance.

What do you expect to happen? Do you think that he will tell you that he loves you and will be right over to patch things up and then you will go out and have a good time? This guy is still angry. Something is bothering him or he would not have broken up with you. What is more likely to happen is that he will hang up on you. The sad thing is that it does not end there. If you are like most women after a breakup, you will continue to call. Time after time, you will endure the indignity of being hung up on just to hear his voice.

When should you call your ex boyfriend after the breakup? Never! Here is why. If he wants to talk to you, he has your number and he can call you. The fact that he does not call means he does not want to talk to you. So respect his desires and leave him alone. Put yourself in his place. If you had been the one to break up with him, would you appreciate him badgering you, or would you have much more respect and gratitude if he left you alone?

Every time you call your ex makes it that much longer until you get him back and if you continue to upset him, he may be gone for good. If you want your ex boyfriend back you will have to have the strength and determination to have no contact with him for several weeks. You have to give him time to think and experience life without you. If he loves you, he will be wondering what happened to you and be thinking he might have made a mistake by breaking up with you. If you hold out long enough, he will make the first contact.

His first contact might be an email to test the waters and see if you will answer him. He will not want to call you for fear that you will hang up on him. You can answer his email by sending him a text or email and say that it was good to hear from him and if he ever needs to talk, he has your number. This way you are staying strong, but you are not discouraging him.