I've Just Broken Up With My Girlfriend - All I Do Is Hurt - Why?

Does your world feel like it has ended and everything you know and knew has been taken away from you?

Others will get you to move on. There are more fish in the sea. That just doesn't help you does it.

All you want is your girlfriend back and fast to stop this gut wrenching pain you're in.

You can stop the pain and hurt which you are feeling and get your girlfriend back, if you want to.

You're feeling the way you feel because your girlfriend allowed you to experience something as a man that has been systematically builled out of you from a young age.

How often were you told, come on you're a big boy now, big boys don't cry. It has been wrong to show any emotion your whole life. Now when you hurt beyond all belief. You're not allowed to do anything except grin and bare it, suck it up and see.

Well it doesn't have to be this way for you anymore.

There are two skills which if you learn will helpyou get your ex back and pain free to you and them.

What are the two things?

1.The Law of Attraction. Everything that you have got appeared not to get has happened because of the Law of Attraction. If you don't like the word law, think of it as a set of rules.

Warning: The Law of Attraction is a set of well defined guidelines, which will help you get what you want. If you don't do all the guidelines, you'll only get half the result. For the 1st time in your life. The amount of effort you put in, will be rewarded with results bigger than you can imagine. Can any office job, compete with that?

2.Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT). EFT is a life changing technique. Once applied to all of your negative emotions, limiting decisions and beliefs. Your life can never be the same. As you go after your goals, any if, buts, no, can't or any excuse you can come up with and life by can easily be resolved and dissolved with EFT.

Using EFT and the law of attraction together, you'll be able to focus and get what you want and easily overcome any minor emotional blocks which prevent you from getting what you want.

Warning: Once you start using and applying both of these skills, you will be letting go of 'stuff' that you have held onto for a long time.  The feelings that you feel right after you have split from your girlfriend are emotions and feelings that you have felt before. The splitting up has opened up old wounds. Now with these skills you can heal them once and for all.