Can I Get My Girlfriend Back?

Has your whole universe just fallen out, broken, ended because you and your girlfriend have split up?

I'll let you know, you're not alone. Couples split up all the time. The really good news is that couples get back together all the time too.

Why are you not attracting your girlfriend back to you?

The biggest reason she's isn't coming back into your life is because of you emotions. I bet right now you don't feel happy and care free, just like you did when you attracted her into your life.

To get whatever you want. You have to feel good about it. It really is that simple. Feel good = get what you want. Have you noticed the harder you try and push for something the harder it seems for you to get what it is that what you want. When you initially want your girlfriend back, you're pushing against her with feelings of neediness, deperation and anger.

Getting your girlfriend back is no different.

Keeping and holding onto your negative feelings is actually stopping you from getting what you want. If you hold resentment towards your girlfriend or any other negative emotions, you'll be pushing her away from you.

Other get your ex back guides will tell you to change your clothes, learn a few language patters etc.  That's great and can help you get to a feeling 'good' place. Yet, it only works short term. Once you get the girl, you revert back to your old patterns and she'll walk. Unless you can keep the clothes and patterns up for the rest of your life.

Your girlfriend didn't fall in love with you because you were wearing a suit or fed her a line. She falls in love with you because of the emotions you make her feel.   These emotions have to start within you first.

How can you get the old feelings back?

The first thing you need to do is let go of your old feelings of anger, fear, sadness and guilt.

The easiest way to let go of your negative emotions is by using a technique called EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique.  These techniques are super easy to learn and apply. Best of all, you can learn it privately and use it on your own by yourself.

Once you start feeling different, you act and behaviour in a different way and will she.