How to Make Your Ex Desire You Instead of Avoiding You! Do This As Fast As Possible

Breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend is never easy. But what if, after some time, you still have feelings for your ex? Unfortunately, you are doubtful about your ex feeling the same way. If you want your ex to want you instead of avoid you, here are five steps on how to succeed.

Show some maturity.Whatever you and your ex have disagreed about or argued about in the past should not be held on to. If you intend to get back together with your ex, you should be able to show that you have moved on from your past differences and that you are looking to the future.

If you keep accusing your ex or forcefully make him/her agree that you were right and your ex is wrong, then be prepared to be ignored.

Pay attention to how you look.If you always look haggard, disheveled or frumpy, nobody would be attracted to you, let alone your ex. Make sure that you always look your best, as if you are trying to impress a new date, at all times. If you can manage to make yourself look the way you did back when your ex was first attracted to you, all the better.

Win back your ex's trust by genuinely wanting to be friends.This may be difficult, as you intend to be more than just friends. If your ex dumped you because you had been dishonest or something else of that nature, then he/she may have issues about trusting you again.

So to get her to want you again, you must show him/her that you do not expect anything but that you just want to be in good terms with each other for the moment.

Maintain an air of mystery.Although you want to show your ex you can be friends, you must also show him/her that you are also in demand. Drops hints by telling your ex that you are going away on a long weekend holiday with a group that must include a couple of single people from the opposite sex.

Try not to be too willing to share the details about these activities or dates and leave a few things to your ex's imagination.

Get rid of all your bad habits.This is not only because you want to get back together, but changing yourself for the better will also give you added confidence. This will get your ex wondering what it would be like to date the new you.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here