Have you been trying to get your boyfriend backbut it just seems like everything that you do just drives him further away? Have you tried everything that you can think of to get him back yet you feel cursed? Every time you talk to him he gets angry and he is just treating you like garbage.

To avoid the train wreck scenariothat you seem to be experiencing it is suggested that you take a little time and reevaluate the situation. Give him some time and space to allow the air to clear. Take advantage of this time to take a serious look at what is going on. If you have been contacting him hoping to win him back there is a very good chance that your contact is growing tiresome and annoying. You don't want to be annoying to him, do you?

Make a deal with yourself thatto begin with you won't contact him for a week. Even if he calls you don't answer the call. If every time you talk to him you wind up arguing or he seems annoyed with you then just let that call go to voicemail. You don't deserve to be treated this way. You deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, especially right now. Your heart is broken and you don't need him to help you to feel any worse.

This time apart will do two things.First it will give him the opportunity to begin to miss you. As everything settles down he may begin to forget about the arguing or why you broke up and begin to remember the good times that you had together. He may begin to realize that you're really not that bad and that he is perhaps acting a little childish.

Secondly, during this time you will also growa little stronger and be less likely to allow him to treat you badly. As the days pass you will regain some of your self esteem and see that things aren't as bad as they once seemed. As a result of this time apart your boyfriend may begin to wonder what happened to you. The power shift in your relationship will begin to balance out again as your emotions settle down and you regain the confidence in your ability to get your boyfriend back.

Breakups can be very emotionaland can cause even the most level headed person to act in ways that they never dreamed. All of this emotional turmoil can lead you to say and do things that you would never have done when things were going well between you and your boyfriend. You simply haven't been acting like yourself which can lead you to make poor decisions as you try to get your boyfriend back.

Combine this with your boyfriend's emotional stateand you have a recipe for disaster. So take a little time for your own peace of mind and for the sake of your relationship. The day will come very soon when you can begin to open up the lines of communication with your boyfriend again and you will be better prepared to communicate with him in an effective manner and win him back again.