Easy Ways to Make Your Ex Miss You - Get Her Missing and Begging For You Instead

Okay, so you have been recently dumped by your ex. You are hurting badly and you still can't believe what just happened. You miss your ex very much but she won't even return your calls. What's a desperate guy to do? Make her miss you instead! Here are easy ways to make your ex miss you :

1. Reinvent Yourself

Sometimes, when you are so into your girlfriend, you tend to forget to take time for yourself. So, give yourself a makeover and pamper yourself to a pedicure, manicure or a face massage. Shop for new clothes and wear fashionable clothes you're not used to wearing before. Sport a new haircut or a new hair color. Obtain a membership in a gym nearby and lose the belly fat. Exercise daily and learn to eat healthy.

By striving to be healthy and fabulous, you are not just making yourself look good on the outside but little by little you'll also begin to feel really good inside and everyone around you will see your desirable changes. This is the key to making your ex notice you again and this will make her miss you hopelessly.

2. Be Unavailable

This is one of the simplest but easiest ways to make your ex miss you. Ex-girlfriends like to think that you will always be there for them whatever happens even after the breakup. By making yourself not readily available, you will make them stop and think about the relationship they lost and make them miss everything they had with you.

3. Get busy

If there are things you've been wanting to do but couldn't during the relationship, now is the time to finally do them. Go out and find a sport you'd like to try. Hitch on double dates or group dates. Visit places and go bungee jumping or skydiving. Try as many things as you'd like to try. The idea behind this is to occupy your mind so it won't be able to wander back to thoughts of your ex and the breakup.

According to research, men who are actively doing new interesting things and frequently meeting people are more likely to get over their breakup quickly. When this happens, your ex will wonder if you've really moved on and she'll start to think that she needs you more than you need her. Oddly, this will make her insecure and will make her miss you like mad.

Before You Do Anything Else - If You Want to Get Your Girlfriend Back...

It's paramount you learn what exactly went wrong and what she really wants. There's a few things you MUST be aware of because the slightest mistake could push her further away from you. Find out if your ex still loves you, what they're thinking and feeling and most of all, how to get back together and get her back for good .