Things Not to Do while Filing a Car Injury Claim

Claimants are always told what things must be done while filing claims like a car injury claim but claimants are never informed that by dong certain things they risk their claim being rejected. This article will elaborate on a few things that claimants should refrain from doing while filing a car injury claim.

The first thing claimants must never do is to contact the insurance company while driving. Although the claimant may feel that the insurance company will not realize where the claimant is, the background noises will give away the location. Talking on the phone while driving is the top reason for road accidents and if the claimant talks on the phone with the insurance company while driving, then the insurance agent will note this in the claimant's record.

The second thing claimants must never do is to generalize and talk rudely to people who are trying to help. While talking to the insurance company, adjuster or any other person related to the car injury claim, claimants should not use words like "you people" and the claimant should not be sarcastic or rude. If the conversation is not going well then the claimant should contact a personal injury solicitor and ask the legal professional to talk to the concerned people.

The third thing claimants must never do is to fake an accident or make an accident occur on purpose since this will lead to a penalty. Faking and accident or making an accident occur on purpose may seem like an easy task but sooner or later the insurance company, court and adjuster will figure out that the accident was staged.

The fourth thing claimants must never do is to attempt to file a car injury claim on their own. The main reason most claims are rejected is because the claimant could not prove that the accident occurred due to no fault of his own. Two other reason claims are rejected is because claimants made mistakes on their application form and the claimant failed to convince the court that he was badly injured. Claimants should always hide road accident solicitors to help them file a car injury claim since these legal professionals make sure that the claimant does not make mistakes and that the claimant gets maximum compensation. If the claimant does not have a solicitor for any reason then he should refuse to settle any claim out of the court since in most cases the claimant will be given a very small amount as compensation. Claimants should remember that they do not need to pay fees to personal injury lawyers since majority of the lawyers in UK offer no win no fee services that entitle the claimant to receive free legal advice and help.