5 Easy Steps to File Motor Accident Claims

Are you a victim of a motor accident? Have you suffered a personal injury due to the road accident? Do you want compensation for personal injury and damage to your vehicle? If your answers to these questions are yes then continue reading. This article will elaborate on 5 easy steps through which you can get maximum compensation for motor accident claims.

Step #1 – As soon as a road accident occurs the claimant should check for injuries. If the claimant or the other driver has sustained serious injuries then an ambulance should be called. If the claimant or the other driver has not sustained serious injuries then this step can be skipped but the claimant should remember to get all his injuries checked as soon as possible.

Step #2 – While at the scene of the motor accident the claimant should contact the police since the claimant will require a copy of a police report to file a claim. When the police reach the scene of the accident they will file a report and give a copy to the claimant. This step should not be missed under any circumstance since without a police report the claimant will not be able to file a road accident claim. The claimant should remember not to admit liability for the accident in front of the police or the other driver since this will make the claimant ineligible for compensation.

Step #3 – Before the claimant leaves the scene of the motor accident the claimant should collect information to help him file his claim. The claimant should make a note of things like, the street name on which the accident occurred, the number of passengers in the other driver's car, the license registration number of the other car and the contact details of the other driver.

Step #4 – The claimant should search for a witness at the scene of the accident who has witnessed the entire accident. Claimants should remember that the witness will be asked to testify in court and the witness will be proof to the fact that the accident occurred due to the other driver's fault. The claimant should also collect documents like treatment bills, treatment receipts, medicine prescription, doctor's notes and medical papers to support the fact that the claimant suffered a bodily injury due to the accident.

Step #5 – The claimant should hire a personal injury solicitor to help him file a successful road accident claim. The selected solicitor will help the claimant file the claim application, prevent the claimant from making errors, guide the claimant through the entire process, represent the claimant in court and negotiate with adjusters if required. Claimants should preferably opt for no win no fee solicitors that offer a range of legal services but do not charge any legal fees.