Personal Injury Case- What's taking so long?

It is not uncommon for personal injury cases to take a long time there are motions to be filed and argued and sometimes they seem to take forever. What you must keep in mind is that some of the motions can be important to your case so trying to be patient is very important. Mediation plays a big part in a personal injury case, many courts wont even hear a case if it has not gone to mediation first. That means there will be a third party involved listening to both sides of the case. They help the two sides come to an agreement before the case is ever brought to trial in most cases.

If you are unable to come to a settlement agreement your case will have to be brought to trial, what that means for you is waiting another two to three years to have your case heard by a jury of 6-12 strangers that will decide what monetary value your injury holds. This is a very time consuming issue and in a larger city it is not unusual to be waiting an extra couple of years. Even if you do finally finish your case, it could be far from over, there are appeals that can be filed and more motions to be filed so waiting will by now have become a part of your life.

Now that the process is over and you have won, there is one more thing you have to wait for. The payment can take a couple of extra weeks especially if you are waiting for a check from out of state to clear. Your lawyer will deduct all of his fees that have been incurred in the process, and the truth is you might come out with less than you had hoped for. After filing fees and witness costs, plus the cost of medical records, doctor's testimonies, files, and motions it is sometimes better to have your case settled before it gets to the court. Your Clearwater injury lawyer will know what a good settlement is. It is important to let your lawyer know where you stand when working a settlement agreement.

Having your case brought to court can be a very expensive and time consuming process, sometimes it's just easier to settle for payment out of court and try to be happy with those results. Even if you feel you have a great case, there is always the possibility of getting an outcome you did not expect or even losing your case entirely.  You can never be guaranteed a win when your case is brought to trial and working diligently on a settlement is very important if you want to get on with life and try to gain back some of your losses that you have been incurring since your injury. Your lawyer in Dunedin will know the best route to take and it is important that you stay in contact with him or her and get them the necessary information they need as quickly as possible to avoid further delays.