Common Spinal Cord Injuries in Car Accidents

Spinal cord injuries are typically very severe and often result from car accidents. In this article we explore the common spinal cord injuries in car accidents, because often they are very severe and require immediate medical attention if your or someone you love was involved in a major vehicular accident. In California cities such as Los Angeles, Santa Ana, or Newport Beach, hundreds of accident victims consult car accident lawyers due to spinal cord injury ("SCI") typically caused by accidents involving trucks, big rigs, bicycle, or from recreational activities on motorcycle.

Spinal cord injuries are typically diagnosed by seeing which vertebrae of your spinal cord were injured or disrupted. Quadriplegia, aka Tetraplegia, means loss of all functions and control from the head down. Paraplegia occurs when an individual loses control and feeling from the waist down. The statistics provided by the National Spinal Cord Injury Association demonstrate the typical causes of SCI in the United States as follows:

• Forty four percent of all spinal cord injuries caused by car accidents;
• Twenty four percent of all spinal cord injuries caused by violence;
• Twenty two percent of all spinal cord injuries caused by slips and falls;
• Eight percent of all spinal cord injuries caused from sporting injuries;
• Two percent of SCI caused from various other activities.

Los Angeles, California is a Mecca for car accident claims. Los Angeles car accident attorneys report that most spinal trauma victims from car crash cases undergo the following types of back injury:

• Vehicular accidents from SUVs , and passenger vehicles often result in whiplash, to tetraplegia;
• Semi trucks cause spinal cord injuries such as paraplegia, but also result in wrongful death claims from jackknifeing of a semi trailer;
• Delivery vans often are speeding and this increases the risk of a disc bulge or disc burst fracture.

So what can a spinal cord injury attorney do for me?

Spinal cord injury (SCI) lawyers in Los Angeles , for example, are local to the courts and know the judges and courtroom staff better than an out of town law firm. Retaining attorneys who understand disc bulge claims, SCI and the related disc injuries coupled with nerve damage helps your attorney comprehend the trauma and horrible circumstances of your suffering. This helps your SCI lawyer negotiate your back injury claims with the insurance adjustor.
To complement the rehabilitation efforts of medical and health providers, spinal cord injury attorneys offer advice on special care and treatment, long-term care and other economic needs, as well as compassionate counsel and support to victims. Aside from medical and legal issues, spinal cord injury lawyers also deal with matters such as the necessity or appropriateness of certain treatment, who will pay for the care, and the consequences and needs of the injured person and the family.

Car accident attorneys who specialize in spinal injury can actually work with your doctor in order to help him or her document evidence, and locate the and document the a prognosis and diagnosis early on. This will eventually help you in determining the past, present and future economic loss associated with traumatic back damages. And you may need lifetime nursing and housing care, so this is another important reason to retain the right legal counsel to solicit your insurance claims for you and your family.

Common spinal cord injuries in car accidents require a team of accident scene investigators and accident reconstructionists, as well as an evaluation of evidence. A highly skilled SCI attorney will assist you to assess the accident claims and locating potential other sources of more immediate economic recovery like disability benefits, or victim of crime benefits, as an example. At the most, spinal cord injury attorneys help victims and their families cope with the grief and trauma of the accident.