Driving, Drugs And Why You Really Should Say No

Driving a car that can go up to 150 miles an hour, weighs several tons and is filled up with a flammable liquid that can blow you into nothing but ashes sounds a little stupid but millions of people around the world have cars and have been properly trained in their use. The problem is driving at a high speed is sometimes not enough for some people so they decide to use drugs to see whether they'll feel any better about driving.

Driving itself is an extremely delicate skill to have, you have to be in the right lane at all times, be able to judge braking distance and most importantly since you are driving a vehicle that can break a person in half you have to be in control at all times. This is the primary reason behind the current laws against driving under the influence of certain drugs.

Cannabis is one such drug, cannabis makes you feel relaxed and gives you an emotional high, unfortunately it doesn't work very well while you're driving a car. Since cannabis is a relaxant, your vision will be blurred and your steering will be erratic to say the least then there is also the problem of hallucinations, cannabis can create mild hallucinations, seeing a pink elephant on the road that isn't really there is bound to cause an accident.

Heroin is another major drug associated with drug driving as it is now called, heroin is an extremely strong pain killer, and this dulls your senses and makes your concentration virtually non-existent. The biggest problem is that it can last up to 24 hours so even if you've had some sleep you may not be able to drive without smashing into something or someone. Heroin can also cause distorted perception and nausea as well as a feeling of euphoria something that can cause a serious impediment to your driving.

Basically anything that makes you feel drowsy in any way is not a good idea to have in your system while you are driving even some prescription drugs may create problems on the road especially if you mix them with alcohol. Remember these points before you even try to get into a car while under the influence of drugs, if you crash then you will probably kill someone including yourself, a car is not a toy to be played around with, and finally if you crash and are tested then you will lose your license and never be able to drive again. Best case scenario in the case of an accident is that noone dies but you lose your car and are banned from driving, not a pleasant idea is it?