Steps to File Work Accidents Claims

After work accidents occur many employees get flustered and do not know what steps have to be taken to get compensation. This article will help you understand what has to be done after work accidents occur so that your claim is accepted and you get maximum compensation.

Step #1 – Get medical help – The first thing claimants should do is, get all injuries treated by a doctor. This step should not be skipped since to be eligible to get compensation the claimant will need to prove that he has sustained a personal injury and by getting the injuries checked the claimant will have proof that he was injured due to the accident at work.

Step #2- Report the work accident immediately – The next thing the claimant should do is, ask his supervisor to make a note of this accident in the accident at work book. The employer will ask the claimant a few questions about how the accident occurred, what injuries were sustained and he will then note this information into an official record book. Claimants are advised to report all work accidents as soon as possible since by waiting too long the injury may change which can cause problems while getting compensation

Step #3- Get adequate proof – The claimant will have to collect documents to prove the fact that as a result of the work related accident the claimant was injured. Documents that can be used as proof for work related accident claims include medical discharge papers if the claimant was admitted, prescriptions if the claimant was given medication, doctor's notes with diagnosis, bills of the doctor and payment receipts given by the doctor. The claimant should also find a witness who is ready to testify in court since this will help the claimant prove that the accident occurred due to no fault of the claimant. Claimants should keep in mind that if the accident has occurred partly due to their fault then they will still be compensated but they should consult a personal injury solicitor since for such accidents some additional proofs may be required.

Step #4- Get legal help – Hiring a personal injury solicitor is always a good idea since winning work accidents claims can be tricky, as many employers try to pin the blame of the accident on the employee to avoid paying compensation.  By hiring a personal injury solicitor the claimant will increase his chances of getting maximum compensation since these legal professionals deal with employers professionally and they ensure that employers do not use any legal tricks to pin the blame on the claimant. In addition solicitors also help claimants with claim related tasks and they do majority of the claim related work for the claimants. Solicitors also represent claimants in court, talk to the insurance company if required and offer no win no fee services.