Beat The Breathalyzer - 7 Tips To Blowing Under .08 Bac

Nobody wants a DUI arrest on their record, so people have tried some pretty crazy things attempting to fool the breathalyzer machine here in Arkansas. Breath mints won’t work, and sucking on pennies won’t work, because what’s been in your mouth only slightly effects the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) percentage. The majority of what registers on the breathalyzer is the breath from the lungs that’s already passed through your bloodstream.

1.It is your right to ask that your attorney be present if you’re asked to submit to a breath test. Call if you know you’re really drunk, and hope that it takes him or her a long time to get there.

2.Ask for a blood or urine chemical test. If you think you might not be able to pass a breathalyzer test, the extra time it takes to go to the lab or the police station could be enough to buy yourself an hour or two. Your body may need this additional time to metabolize even more alcohol.

3.Inhale when the breathalyzer’s at your mouth - don’t exhale. Some people have perfected the technique so that Arkansas law enforcement won’t be able to catch on to what you’re doing. It’s practically a sure thing you’ll register a 0.0%!

4.Hyperventilate. By taking rapid and deep breaths for about 20 seconds right before you take the breathalyzer test, some people have reduced their BAC score by .02%. Every little bit helps!

5.Hide a bag of activated charcoal in your mouth. They’re available online, and wrapped like a teabag, and about the same size. It won’t totally absorb the alcohol’s vapor, but it will help.

6.Vomit. Law enforcement officers are required to wait 15 minutes after such an event before they can administer another breathalyzer test. And, if you keep vomiting, it could buy the time you need to register a lower BAC.

7.If you do blow a .08% or more, be sure and find an Arkansas DUI defense attorney . Breathalyzers, because they’re a machine, can always malfunction and/or read inaccurately - as much as plus or minus 12.5%. Breathalyzers also have to have regular certifications. Your attorney will be able to use all this information to construct your defense, as well as to discredit the prosecution’s case. Don’t be a victim of the system.