Recovering Claims for School Bus Victims

Recovering from physical and mental pain brought about by school bus accidents may be difficult without the help of an expert LA school bus accidents lawyer.

Examples of the Injuries that can be recovered were the following:

•    Serious friction burns
•    Broken ankle
•    Comatose
•    Facial damage
•    Broken bones

If a loved one suffered an injury in a school bus accident, you can claim a personal injury lawsuit. However, if victim died because of the accidents, you can make wrongful death claim against the liable party.

Compensation Associated with a School bus personal Injury Claim

LA School bus caters all the injuries and death claims associated with the accident. They will help you recover the following damages

•    Payments for physical pain and suffering
•    Compensation for the loss earning capacity
•    Loss of companionship or support
•    Loss of enjoyment of life
•    Payments for your medical expenses

Liability in School Bus Accidents

Common Problems with school buses is that they prioritize profit over safety. School buses are often not equipped with seatbelts. This is a big mistake since most passengers riding on school buses where a child who does not even knows how to take care of itself. Parents must be aware of this before letting their kids use a particular bus to send their daughters or sons to school.

Statistics on School Bus Accidents

Parents have the rights to worry since based on the statistics approximately 27 school-aged children are injured in a bus accidents each year. Seven of these are passengers in a school bus and twenty are pedestrians. Of these twenty pedestrians, fourteen are killed by school buses and the other six are killed by other vehicles involved in a school bus accident. More than one half of all pedestrian fatalities involve a child between the ages of five and seven.

Liability in School Bus Accidents

When school accidents bus happen, liability will be face with the following individuals

•    Tour bus driver

When tour bus accidents the first person who would obtain the blame will be the tour bus driver. Usually an ill trained driver or even drug/alcohol abuser

•    Tour bus operator

School bus operators must dutifully inspect their vehicles to ensure safety. As always, it is wise to take all the necessary precaution to lessen the chances of an accident. As the saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”.

•    Product defects

In the case that a certain product has caused the accident, the product manufacturer can be blamed for the accidents

•    Tour bus mechanics

If the school bus accidents are proven as the product of a mechanical failure, the school bus mechanics can be held liable.
Legal Help

It would be wise to enlist the assistance of a lawyer to provide guidance as what are the things that need to be done to come up with amenable solutions at hand.

Relief from school bus injuries does not come overnight; you have to undergo processes to attain a reasonable settlement.

To pursue your claims from bus accidents and other vehicle accident cases, you can take the services of our skilled Los Angeles vehicle accident lawyers . You can visit our website and avail of our free case analysis.