Eye Expert Testimony for Road Accidents

Eye expert testimony for road accidents is often needed when exploring visibility at the scene of the accident and the influence of vision of participants involved in the incident.

?page_id=279&page_ancestor_id=109" Vision of drivers , particularly elderly drivers, may be influenced by the presence of glaucoma, cataract, and macular degeneration.  Each type of vision problem can affect vision in a specific manner.  For example, glaucoma may impair peripheral vision while macular degeneration may impair central vision.  Many drivers may have a combination of eye conditions that influence their vision.  An eye expert can help determine if underlying eye ailments may have contributed to an accident.

Many jurisdictions specify on driver's licenses whether optical correction is necessary.  Refractive errors that include myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism can influence vision.  Therefore the presence of proper vision correction in drivers needing eyeglasses or contact lenses may be important when considering issues related to visibility and causation.

Visibility of road signs, road signals, traffic lights, and the effect of background lighting, may be important conditions when considering contributory factors in an accident.  A qualified expert can objectively assess the relative importance of each variable in the accident.  Accident reconstruction experts may need information supplied by a ?page_id=292&page_ancestor_id=109" vision expert to study how an accident developed.

The use of medications to treat a variety of medical conditions is common.  Many medications have side effects involving vision that may not be appreciated until an accident occurs.  A complete analysis of the influence of medications may be needed to determine their influence on the vision of the participants of an accident.

Eye expert testimony may be valuable when analyzing the influence of visibility of the accident scene and vision of participants of a road accident.