The Loss of a Family Member

The loss of a family member is hard; it takes it toll on everyone in the family and when it is a death at the hands of another driver, a dangerous employment situation that could have been avoided or any number of wrongful deaths.

A death that is expected such as a long term illness or a terminal disease family members grieve but they also understand that there is little or nothing that could be done to avoid the end of life for this person.

In a wrongful death everything could have been done to avoid the end of death and was not, in the auto accident, the work place or anyplace else a wrongful death occurs. Statistics show that there are thousands of deaths a year that fall into the wrongful death category; DUI drivers alone are responsible for thousands on the roads and highways each year. Often in the news there is a person who has been put in jeopardy due to unsafe work practices. Even the neighborhood swimming pool claims lives each summer; while they have lifeguards this trained person needs to concentrate on their job and if they should not for as little as five minutes it could mean a death sentence to a swimmer in trouble. This may seem the perfect and careless summer job, but these people are often over worked in the heat of the summer and while trained may not have first aide training.

Its very hard for a family to deal with this type of death, one that could have been avoided and while no amount of money would ease their loss, it would vindicate the person’s death by making the responsible party legally held responsible for their actions. There are personal injury attorney in every part of the country and when a wrongful death occurs in Los Angeles, Torrance, Santa Ana or Marina del Rey there are attorneys who will stand by your side every step of the way. They will have all the necessary experts in their corner because they are experienced with skills that enable them to put a case together giving them and the court the confidence that the right person or party will be held responsible for the loss of a family member.