"keys to Effectively Negotiating Your Personal Injury Settlement"

If you've been injured, you'll need a personal injury settlement to help you move on and make up for the losses you've suffered. It's likely these losses have already disrupted your life significantly. It may also be true that your life will continue to be disrupted until you finally receive your personal injury settlement.

Unfortunately, there's really no way to get your settlement more quickly. If everything goes as it should and you don't run into any roadblocks, the process itself can go quickly. However, you don't really have any control over it and it depends on circumstances, such as the type of accident you had and and the severity of any injuries you sustained. Of course, you want your money now, but you usually aren't going to get it as quickly as you would like.

The first key to successful negotiations with a claims adjuster is that you'll need to be patient. Before you write your first letter, before you make your first phone call, and before you do anything rash, remember that you're going to have to be patient. Patience most important factor you'll need when negotiating your personal injury settlement.

You're not just going to have to be patient as you wait for your money. You're also going to have to be willing to wait for all correspondence to be processed by the claims adjuster. He or she will be deciding how your claim should be settled, collecting facts and calculating damages figures.

You're also going to need patience as you establish ongoing communications. The claims adjuster is not necessarily going to see things as you do. You're also not going to be able to force your point of view on the adjuster. Instead, you're going to negotiate and be patient, and let the claims adjuster come to your point of view at his or her own pace.

Nonetheless, this tolerance and patience doesn't mean that you have to sit back and just wait. You also have to be persistent, even as you're being patient. This is the second key: persistence.

When you have conversations with your claims adjuster, let him or her have enough time to accomplish things, realistically. Don't rush your adjuster, but don't give him or her all the time in the world either. Put pressure on gently but persistently. Let the adjuster know that you know time is necessary to make things happen. However, it's also his or her job to let you know what's going on regularly and not just "leave you hanging."

If your claims adjuster has promised you would hear from him and it hasn't happened within a couple of weeks, follow up - call or write a note. Gently remind him that you're waiting for a response.

While you're persistent yet patient, you're also going to need to be organized. If you want to get the highest personal injury settlement possible, you're going to need to have your information ready, with questions set out on paper. If you're organized and have everything you need to establish a clear case for your settlement, you'll be calm with the adjuster and it'll show you mean business.

If you're disorganized or otherwise not ready to meet with the adjuster it's simply bad form on your part. He or she doesn't have time and doesn't want to deal with someone who's not ready to talk business. However, if you are organized and have the facts to back up your argument, the adjuster then has the capability to respond and move forward to the next step. This is the most direct and easiest way to get the personal injury settlement you deserve.