St. Louis Spine Injury Attorney Says Car Accident Whiplash Injuries are No Laughing Matter

Anyone who watches television has seen a comedy show where someone fakes a “whiplash” injury and tries to collect money that they don’t deserve. Jack Lemon did a movie called “The Fortune Cookie” where he hires an attorney nicknamed “whiplash Willie” because he knows all sorts of tricks to help fake an injury. “Whiplash injuries” may actually be diagnosed as back or neck “sprains” or “strains.” When an accident victim is thrown forward in a violent manner during a motor vehicle accident, the result is oftentimes “soft-tisue” damage. “Soft- tissue ” damage generally consists of “muscle injury” and” ligament injury” which cannot be observed on X-rays or other diagnostic tests. A doctor will often note “muscle spasms” where there is a tightening of muscles in the injured area. It is difficult to quantify or measure “soft tissue injuries” which result from “whiplash.” “Whiplash” injuries are usually treated with physical therapy , or a chiropractor may treat these injuries with “chiropractic manipulations.” People suffering from “whiplash” find them to be far from funny. From a legal standpoint, it is important to get treatment for these injuries as soon as possible since diagnostic testing doesn’t always make your case. Unfortunately for “whiplash victims the media has created an image of “whiplash” victims as schemers ,fakers and opportunists. As a “spine injury attorney” it is my job to overcome the predjudice which has been caused by movies and television shows. As I said - “Whiplash is no laughing matter.”

The contents of this article are intended for educational use only in order to provide readers general information and a basic understanding of the law. If you are seeking legal advice, please consult a licensed professional attorney in your state. The information in this article should not be substituted for experienced legal advice.