Steps to File a Work Accident Claim

All employers are supposed to follow certain health and safety codes to protect the interests of their employees but at times despite following these codes, accidents at work do occur. If an employee has been injured at work due to no fault of his own and he can prove this, then he is eligible to file a work accident claim. This article will elaborate on the various steps a claimant should take to file a successful work accident claim.

The first step is to contact a supervisor so that the accident at work is reported. The supervisor will ask the employee some questions and he will enter these details into an official accident at work book. By the UK law every employer is required to keep this official book since it not only helps employers keep a track of accidents but it also helps employers prevent similar accidents. The claimant should ensure that after an accident occurs relevant details are entered into this official book by an authorized person.

The second step is to get the injuries treated by a certified medical professional. Usually employees are asked to first visit the doctor at work to get injuries checked and if the injuries are serious then employees are asked to visit a specialist. The claimant should remember that if they want maximum compensation for work accident claim then he should collect any doctor's bills, receipts and other documents that prove that the claimant suffered a personal injury. This step is especially important if the claimant has spent money from his pocket to get injuries treated but this step should be followed even if the claimant has not spent money from his own pocket.

The third step is to find a witness who is willing to testify if needed. The witness can be an employee who has witnessed the entire accident. Claimants should keep in mind that the witness's story will need match with the claimant's story since any discrepancies will cause the claim to be rejected.

The fourth step to get maximum compensation for a work accident claim is to hire a personal injury solicitor to represent the claimant in court. Additionally the solicitor will provide legal tips, legal help and prevent the claimant from making mistakes that could cause the claim to be rejected. The selected personal injury solicitor will also talk to the adjuster and insurance companies if applicable. The personal injury solicitor will also collect documents and other proof to strengthen the claimant's case.

Claimants should keep in mind that it is possible to get free legal help if they opt for a win no fee solicitor since these solicitors do not charge any fees for their legal services. No win no fee solicitors can be found through the internet. Many accident settlement companies also offer free legal services through which the claimant can get 100 percent compensation for personal injury claims.