Claiming Compensation for a Whiplash Injury

Whiplash injuries typically occur in motor collisions where a stationary vehicle is hit from the rear by another vehicle. Injury occurs when the impact of the collision pushes your vehicle forwards suddenly and forcefully causing the neck to jerk backwards (or forwards) in a violent motion. This damages the soft tissue of the neck and may also cause damage to the surrounding nerves.

Typically the onset of symptoms can take between 6-12 hours indeed stiffness is often worse the following day and may get progressively worse in the following. Commonly victims of a whiplash injury present some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Neck/upper back pain and stiffness
  • Reduced range of movement in the neck
  • Swelling and/or tenderness of the neck
  • Headaches
  • Numbness or tingling in the arms
  • Dizziness
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

Most people make a full recovery within a few weeks, some people may experience some symptoms for several months. In the most severe (and thankfully more rare) cases symptoms may become more chronic and particularly where there is nerve damage a victim may have long term symptoms. This is known as 'Whiplash Syndrome'.

Treatment of whiplash may vary depending on the extent of the damage and the symptoms presented but may include:

  • Applying an ice pack to the affected area as soon as possible to reduce swelling
  • In the 24 hours after the injury painful muscle spasms can be relieved by alternating cold packs with heat treatments
  • Fitting of a cervical collar to prevent movement of the neck whilst it is healing
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (e.g Aspirin or Ibuprofen)
  • Stronger painkillers such as Codeine may be prescribed depending on the severity of the symptoms

In a report published in 2008 the Association of British Insurers estimated that over 432,000 people make a whiplash claim every year which is equivalent to one in 140 of the population.

Many people are put off claiming compensation after suffering a genuine whiplash injury as they may feel they are fuelling the notion of a "compensation culture". This should never discourage genuine victims from making a claim for compensation many of whom are left suffering from symptoms for months afterwards and incurring a considerable financial burden incurred from missing work, attending treatment etc.

Victims of a whiplash injury should seek advice from a legal professional who will be able to advise them on the merits of their case. specialise in connecting victims of whiplash injury with solicitors who have considerable expertise in whiplash cases.