Defective Mesh Hernia Repair Patch Action

For forty years, BARD is industrial leader and innovator in the treatment of hernia. BARD is now the only company that has a specific product for each important type of hernia. The material of each type of mesh is a polypropylene monofilament interlaced network, permeable for the development of the granular tissue, which stimulates immediate fibroplasias. However, the device is made by humans and it has to interact with the human body, therefore defective mesh hernia-repair patch can lead to hernia-mesh recall class action.

Bard Kugel Patch is the first mesh designed for the open repair, “tension-free,” pre-peritoneal of hernia. This minimal invading repair, almost suture free in the posterior pre-peritoneal area is performed through an incision of 3-4 cm, under local or regional anaesthesia. Using Bard Kugel Patch, you can obtain a real pre-peritoneal repair that covers all the possible defaults and minimize the recurrence risk. Any recurrence caused by defective mesh hernia-repair patch involves hernia-mesh recall class action.

Apart from classical types of meshes (whose size can be various), this company also offers meshes that are previously cut, with or without a perforation for the spermatic channel, in order to reduce losses and to reduce the surgery time as well.

Another important product, that is actually unique, is a mesh especially designed for the very complex cases of abdominal hernia. This network is made of two layers of normal mesh connected through a Teflon layer in order to improve the tissues expansion. It must be very carefully used in order not to lead to defective mesh hernia-repair patch.

The large variety of surgery techniques that approach nowadays primary or recurrent inguinal and femoral defects have been a surgical challenge. Between anarchy and perfectionism, the persistence of a recurrence rate within 0.5 and 20% requires an efficient technical solution, able to satisfy both the patient and the surgeon. Otherwise, hernia-mesh recall class action can be a solution, even if in some cases it may be too late.

The path of hernia surgery has suffered dramatic changes as soon as prosthetic materials have been implemented. They have simplified surgical techniques and they have reduced at the same time the recurrence rate to 1 - 5%. Besides, their use has led to shorter operations and to a better post operatory condition of the patient. The emergence and the use of the “mini-invading" surgery has required at a greater extent the implementing of prosthetic materials, but it has risen at the same many controversies that clinical studies have not solved yet.

Conversion to prosthetic surgery is obvious in the USA where, after the 1980s these operations have become frequent. Nevertheless, the operation must be performed by highly proficient doctors, to avoid defective mesh hernia-repair patch. Similar situations are recorded in other American countries as well and gradually prostheses have begun to be used in Europe too. Apparently, prostheses are a surgical “best-seller” until complications appear. When a surgeon faces an intestinal fistula, all the previous successes related to prostheses have no value until the complication is solved and the patient survives, without the need of hernia-mesh recall class action.