Types of Cruise Ship Injuries

Cruise ships offer multiple opportunities for injury, but unlike injuries sustained on land, filing a personal injury claim against a cruise line is a complicated and difficult process. An injury attorney with sufficient experience in maritime law is your best bet for receiving compensation when you have sustained an injury on a cruise ship.

Common Causes Cruise Ship Injuries

When you are on a cruise, you can sustain injuries both on the ship, and during organized activities on land. In both cases, you are entitled to compensation for your injuries.

While on the ship, common dangers include:

• Slip and fall injuries caused by wet floors, faulty flooring, or obstructions in a hallway or on stairs
• Fire caused by faulty equipment, improper cleaning, or other forms of negligence
• Collision caused by the captain not paying careful attention
• Being hit by projectiles like a skeet, or a golf ball

When you are on land, you may face similar dangers, but run additional risks when engaging in activities like:

• Hiking or backpacking
• Horseback riding
• Bungee jumping

Cruises are meant to be relaxing and entertaining. But accidents caused by the negligence of the cruise staff and crew can turn your ideal vacation into a nightmare in a matter of seconds.

Common Cruise Ship Injuries

Like personal injuries sustained on land, injuries on a cruise ship can result in myriad long-term consequences. Injuries that might be sustained on a cruise ship include, but are not limited to:

• Broken bones
• Scrapes, cuts, and burns
• Head injuries, including traumatic brain injuries
• Drowning
• Death

Cruise ships are like miniature cities, and as such, any injury you could sustain from someone else's negligence in a city, you could potentially sustain on a cruise ship.

Unfortunately, unlike American cities, cruise ships operate under their own set of laws, and are often times not even able to be held accountable to the laws of the country in which you boarded them. It is due to these complex laws that hiring a maritime%20injury%20attorney" maritime injury attorney is essential to obtaining the full compensation you are due.