Helicopter Accident Attorney Explains Negligence

Anyone that has been in an accident knows that aside from the physical and emotional pain that is suffered, there is generally a large financial cost as well. If you have been involved in a helicopter accident, then you may be faced with a number of medical bills and no way to pay them. Under the laws of the State of California, if another party (a person, company or entity) was negligent in the accident, then they may be responsible for compensating you for all the injuries that you have suffered as a result of the accident. Your attorney will advise you on the details of your specific case but for general legal information read on.

So what does it mean to be negligent in a helicopter accident?

Helicopter travel has gained popularity over the past couple of decades. The maneuverability of a helicopter makes it an excellent option in large, congested cities such as Los Angeles. Helicopters have also become popular ways to tour vacation areas such as California's wine country or the incredible beaches along the Pacific Ocean. Helicopters are complicated and complex pieces of machinery. Numerous mechanical systems must operate in tandem in order to allow the helicopter to do things like take off and land vertically or hover over an area for an extended period of time. While these features make the helicopter a popular form of travel, they can also lead to accidents when something goes wrong.

Helicopter pilots are required to be licensed and trained before they can operate one of these amazing machines. While most pilots are very competent, they do make errors. As in most aviation accidents, pilot error and/or mechanical failure are the biggest reasons for accidents. Either one of these reasons could be the basis for a negligence lawsuit in the case of a helicopter accident. Negligence is essentially a legal term for fault or blame. In order to recover compensation in a helicopter accident, you must prove that someone was negligent. Negligence does not require that someone did something intentionally to cause the accident – only that they failed to use reasonable care and caution. Examples of how negligence could play a part in a helicopter accident are numerous. For example, if the pilot was not properly trained or was inexperienced, they could be held responsible under the negligence doctrine. Sometimes, the company that employed the pilot did not check their qualifications or certification as required. Mechanical failure frequently is considered negligence when the company that manufactured the helicopter or parts for the helicopter may not have tested the systems or parts well enough before they were sold or shipped. The best way to determine who was negligent in your helicopter accident is to consult with an experienced and knowledgeable helicopter accident lawyer. Only a helicopter accident lawyer can analyze your set of facts and give you an idea of whether or not it appears that negligence was involved making you eligible for compensation.

For a free and detailed evaluation of your California helicopter accident case and to determine who may have been negligent, contact attorney Emery Ledger of Ledger & Associates at 1-800-300-0001 or visit his website at .