Slip and Falls: A Potential Slippery Slope

Slip and fall accidents are among one of the most common recorded accidents in the United States with a wide spectrum of injuries that can stem from such an accident. Hundreds of thousands of reported slip-and-falls occur every year, with many injured victims finding themselves with physical ailments and sometimes needing medical attention. More so, the dangerous aspect to slip and falls is that, very much like any other type of personal injury or other accident, they can happen at any point in time, at any place, anywhere.

A slip and fall can happen inside an office building due to improper maintenance, poor lighting, inadequate flooring or carpeting, wet floors, or loosely assembled steps. Similarly, outside of a building, slip and falls may be caused by extreme weather conditions such as rain, ice, or snow, which have the ability to hide abrupt changes in sidewalk or groundwork. In these unexpected circumstances, a variety of accidents can occur, and for this reason slip and fall accidents can further be divided into four main-sub groups:

Trip-and-fall, where there is a foreign object in the walking path; Stump-and-fall, where there is an obstruction in the walking surface; Step-and-fall, where there is an unexpected hole that disrupts the consistency of the walking surface; and Slip-and-fall, in which contact between an individual's shoe and the floor fails to follow through. Slip and fall accidents can occur on commercial, residential or public property. Regardless of where it may happen, all property and building owners have a certain level of responsibility to make ensure a safe and successful environment for those who may pass through the premise. This may include signs of warning for any potential harm or hazard, sufficient lighting in walk-ways during the day and night, and clean up of any sort of liquid or solid spill.

Unfortunately, many victims do not simply suffer minor scrapes and bruises. In 2005, a recorded 15,000 individuals died as a result of fatal injuries following their accident, with many others suffering from severe physical impediments. In this circumstance, compensation can be received after filing a claim with a personal injury lawyer. Similar to other personal injury claims, recovery can include medical bills wage loss, pain and suffering, and future medical expenses.

In almost every slip and fall case, what must be taken into consideration is whether you have evaluated your own carelessness that may have negatively contributed in any significant way to your accident. Did you exercise reasonable judgment and caution?

If you or a loved one has sustained a slip and fall injury, and have decided to pursue a claim, contact a personal injury lawyer who can further investigate the incident. This process can reveal important information and allow the attorney to show that the owner or property manager neglected to properly control or secure dangerous condition.