Why Call a Lawyer for a Traffic Violation?

Many of us know that feeling of driving down the road, maybe going a little too fast, and then seeing the flashing lights and hearing the siren. Getting pulled over by the police for a moving violation is a very nerve-wracking experience. Unless you're lucky enough to just get a "warning," traffic tickets can be a hassle both financially and time-wise. With some moving violations, appearance in court is necessary. In other cases, appearing in court may help to get your violation reduced.

Traffic violations can carry with them expensive fines and can also hurt your driving record by applying "points" to your driver's license. After accruing so many of these points, you could have your license suspended or you may have to attend what is called "defensive driving school," which is basically a several-hour long class on a Saturday or in the evenings that you attend to get points removed from your record and to learn how to become a better driver. Many of us see these defensive driving classes as "punishment" for getting a ticket.

If you have been pulled over for a traffic violation, or if your license is in danger of becoming suspended or revoked, you may need to find an experienced traffic violation attorney in your area as soon as possible. People go to jail every day for moving violations, and some of the sentences and fines for driving with a suspended or revoked license can be pretty severe. You cannot take a charge like this likely.

Infraction versus violation

Legally speaking, there are two types of moving violations:

Infractions: An offense for which the only penalty is a fine and is not an actual crime

Violation: An offense for which the only sentence authorized is a fine. Some violations require a court appearance and some can be paid by mail.

Experienced traffic violation attorneys deal with alcohol-related offenses and the following:

·         Fleeing and eluding the police

·         Reckless driving

·         Operating a vehicle without insurance

·         Driving with suspended/revoked license

Some of the most common consequences of moving violations are:

·         Fines

·         Points on your license

·         Increase in insurance

·         Loss of license

·         License suspension

Traffic lawyers can help you by challenge the law enforcement officer who gave you the ticket, request that no points be added to your license, file a motion to dismiss the charge altogether, and determine if the stop was a legal one.