Cancer of the Penis - The Support and Life After

The need of support depends on many individual criteria from the type of treatment you received to the type of person you are. In the case of radiotherapy there are side effects that can cause problems with gaining and maintaining an erection. This can be tough and when paired with the possibility of not being able to pass urine as before can be mentally challenging. In most instances you will be informed of all possible side effects before treatment takes place.

It is vital to try and be honest about the emotions you may go through. It is a very tough time and sharing you feelings with others will help you cope. The type of emotions people feel are anger, guilt, fear and anxiety. This can lead to you feeling tearful (without knowing really why), restlessness and losing the ability to sleep. This will all be natural and is how the body reacts and tries to cope. The feeling of desperation and hopelessness will pass eventually. The only way is to talk through them however hard they maybe. It is important to remember there are many people in the same position and that there are support groups out there.

You do not have to cope with these feelings on your own; there are people available to help you. Some hospitals have their own emotional-support services with specially trained staff, and some of the nurses on the ward will have received training in counselling. You may feel more comfortable talking to a counsellor outside the hospital environment or to a religious leader.

Life after Penile Cancer

The most common question is will I ever be able to have sex again? The answer is in the majority of cases penile cancer will not affect your ability to have sex. There are some instances when though when the penis or part of the penis has been removed will affect sex life. This thought very distressing can be overcome through counselling and time.

Talking to your partner about your feelings and changes in your relationship is key to overcoming any emotional problems. This can be difficult and there is trained counselling and support out there. If there are problems then contact your doctor who can help or point your towards some place that can such as a counsellor or a nurse. Never keep your feelings or worries to yourself. You are not alone and it is time to enjoy life.