NEVER drive intoxicated.
This tip is yet another of those obvious ones. But people still do it ALL the time.
To be honest, there really is no excuse for drinking and driving. Besides simply being responsible and having a designated driver on nights out, there are so many additional services for all different occasions.
If you’re not sure of your blood alcohol level:
- Buy a breathalyzer by searching “breathalyzer” in the Google Product Search. Prices range from as low as $13 to $200. Most breathalyzers go for approximately $50.
- Calculate your blood alcohol level using applications for your smart phone
- “R-U-Buzzed?” IPhone application by the Colorado Department of Transportation (Free on ITunes).

- Do it the old way. Use a trusty chart. I recommend you print a copy and have it in your car at all times.

If you went alone or everyone in your party is intoxicated:
- Take public transportation
- Take a taxi.
- If you went to a restaurant or bar, they should be able to recommend a few different taxi services.
- You can also call 1-800-GOOG-411 for no cost and ask for a taxi service in your area.
- There are also several IPhone applications that connect you to a taxi in your area, using GPS functionality. Try “Rocket Taxi,” “Call A Taxi,” “Cab 4 Me,” and many more!
- Carpool. Only one sober driver? Pitch in for gas and ask for a ride. However, if you suspect at all that that person has been drinking, be safe and don’t take the risk.
- Hire a designated driver. Search for a service in your area and save their phone number in your phone. Often times they will let you rent drivers by the hour. Besides having a sober and insured driver behind the wheel, you have the added comfort of being able to take your car home that night.
Now, some of these services may cost more than you want to on your one night out. However, compared to the cost of a DUI, these prices are dirt cheap. Here are the costs associated with a DUI (not including personal injuries, medical costs, lost pay, or vehicle damages):
- Minimum fine: $ 390
- Penalty Assessment: $ 666
- State Restitution Fund: $ 100
- Alcohol-Abuse Education Fund: $ 50
- Blood or Breath-Testing Fee: $ 37
- Jail Cite-and-Release Fee: $ 10
- Driving/Alcohol-Awareness School: $ 375 (16 weeks minimum)
- License Reissue Fee: $ 100
- Attorney Fees (average): $ 2,500
- Auto Insurance Increase: $ 3,600 - $6,600
(The Auto Club estimates $2,200 a year for 3 years)
Total $7,828 - $10,828
(Credits to and Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
To learn more about the dangers of drinking and driving, visit the following organizations:
- Alcohol Alert
- Center for Disease Control
- Mothers Against Drunk Driving
And remember, if you or a loved one is hit and consequentially hurt by a drunk driver, consult a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Some consolidated sources to find a personal injury lawyer include:
Car Accident Injury Helpline: /
Personal Injury Helpline: http:// /" http:// /
For more tips, please go to my blog at: /