Road Accident Claims and Uninsured Drivers

While it is always recommended to drive with adequate cover, many drivers do not follow this law and as a result of their negligence other drivers are adversely affected. If you have been in a road accident that was caused by an uninsured driver then this article will help you understand some important facts so that you can get compensation for road accident claims.

The MIB also known as Motor Insurance Bureau was set up in the year 1946 to compensate drivers who have suffered a loss due to uninsured drivers. Since one out of every 20 cars in UK is not adequately insured this bureau has paid a total of 2 Billion GBP since it was established. The MIB gets its funds from motor insurance companies that pay a certain amount to this bureau every month. Insurance companies pay the bureau out of the money they collect from selling insurance policies and a large part of auto insurance premiums go towards this bureau.

Through the Motor Insurance Bureau victims of uninsured drivers can claim for compensation. The claimant can claim for medical expenses incurred due to the road accident along with any legal fees he has paid for. In order to get compensated the claimant needs to take legal action, submit a request in the Country Court and then the court will either accept or reject the request. Applications can be rejected if the claimant has not followed the protocol set by the bureau or if the case that is submitted is not convincing enough.

If the application is accepted then the claimant does not have to wait for the bureau to find the uninsured driver. The bureau will instead investigate the case and they will pay the claimant a suitable amount. The bureau will later on follow up with the uninsured driver and ask him to pay the bureau the amount that has already been paid to the claimant.

Since this bureau has very strict guidelines claimants are advised to hire a solicitor to represent them in court. In most circumstances the bureau does not accept road accident applications unless a personal injury solicitor represents the claimant. If the claimant is allowed to represent himself then the claimant will need to prove that the accident was the uninsured drivers fault and if the claimant's case is not strong enough then the bureau will hand out an insufficient compensation.

The solicitor hired by the claimant will convince the bureau and the court that the claimant was not at fault and he should be rightly compensated so that the claimant does not have to suffer for the accident by himself. The solicitor will strengthen the case by collecting proof and documents that suggest that the accident was caused due to negligence of the uninsured driver . By making a strong case the personal injury solicitor will get the claimant the best compensation possible.